Welcome to Art Made Here
Art Made Here is a community art workshop program led by artists Kelynn Alder and Michael Bartalos in Mexico's Lacandón jungle and its environs.
We offer kids and adults an array of art-making opportunities from printmaking
and painting to collage and photography. Our recent focus is on creating
large-scale projects to benefit communities in the long-term such as collab-orative canvas banners that function as movable murals, public art, symbols
of identity, and creative signage — efforts designed to further fulfill the program's core objectives.
We offer kids and adults an array of art-making opportunities from printmaking
and painting to collage and photography. Our recent focus is on creating
large-scale projects to benefit communities in the long-term such as collab-orative canvas banners that function as movable murals, public art, symbols
of identity, and creative signage — efforts designed to further fulfill the program's core objectives.